Central High School changes to four day school week


By Marisa Gjuraj

Central High School is starting its school year with a new schedule. Students will now only go to class four days out of the week.

School staff believe this is helping students balance their school and work life.

“We had a lot of students that had a high absenteeism because they had to work,” said Jeremy Knapp, Principal, of Central High School.

Knapp says students will not have classes on Fridays.

“They’re able to work on longer weekends, they can start when they get done on Thursday and work full day Friday and work Saturday and Sunday,” said Knapp. “It has just helped them and the families out so much Just having that extra income.”

Not having class on Fridays cuts down on transportation costs for students.

“Even though the kids are here for four days, we’re still here for five,” said Knapp. “We get that extra day just to really look at the information and see how we can help our students.”

Staff believe the shortened week for students will take some of the burden off their shoulders.

“We have a lot of kids that have night shift jobs,” said Knapp. “They’ll start Thursday night at 4:00, and work 4:00 to 12:00 Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday night, Sunday night and work a full schedule and come on Monday morning ready to go.”

They believe this will also help with their students’ mental health.

“It just benefits them mental health-wise because they’re not as stressed out of trying to figure out, How do I go to school? How do I work? How do I make this all work throughout the school year,” said Knapp. “They’re able just to, you know, on Thursday they can shut down and not think about school until Monday. They can really focus on their jobs and how they can be successful there.”

Central High School will continue having a four-day school week in the future.
