FASC Student Officers & Responsibilities
Officer Responsibilities
The FASC President school shall:
A. Preside at all Meetings
B. Serve as an ex-officio member of all FASC committees.
C. Act as the Chairperson of the FASC Executive Board.
D. Request the Executive Director to provide for auditing the financial records.
E. Establish and appoint members to ad hoc committees.
F. Deliver the State of the Association Address at the annual FASC convention.
H. Perform other duties as directed by the membership or Executive Board.
The FASC Vice-president school shall:
A. Shall perform the duties of the President in the event of his/her absence.
B. Work with the Treasurer in identifying topics and presenters for workshops at the annual state convention.
C. Coordinate/decorate and preside at the banquet at the state convention
D. Publish, with the assistance of the Executive Director, at least four editions of the Florida Sun prior to the state convention.
E. Perform other duties as directed by the membership or Executive Board.
The FASC Secretary school shall:
A. Keep a permanent record of all Executive Board and regular FASC meetings.
B. Compile a summarized report of convention and committee meetings which are to be sent to all member schools through the Florida Sun.
C. Provide the newly elected President and Executive Director will copies of all of the resolutions adopted by the FASC at state convention.
D. To insure that all proposed resolutions and constitutional amendments are in the proper format for the state convention and that all member schools in attendance have at least two copies of each.
E. Perform other duties as directed by the membership or Executive Board.
The FASC Treasurer school shall:
A. Serve as host school for the annual state convention.
B. Make arrangements for the state convention with the Executive Director.
C. Have the responsibility, along with the advisor and school principal, for all financial matters pertaining to the state convention, subject to the approval of the Executive Board.
D. Present an itemized report of the convention to the Executive Director. Such reports must be completed as soon as possible following the convention and must carry the signatures of the school advisor and principal.
E. Perform other duties as directed by the membership or Executive Board.
The FASC Parliamentarian school shall:
A. Attend all FASC Executive Board and regular meetings and offer procedural rulings.
B. Oversee the election process at the annual state convention.
C. Not be eligible to vote on any issue brought before the Executive Board.
Logan Viera - Past FASC President