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Schools Can Help Address the Vaping Epidemic
Schools Can Help Address the Vaping Epidemic

By: Dorothy Bishop, CEO, VapeEducate Vaping has become increasingly popular with teenagers, spiking to 5.4 million middle and high school users in 2019. This habit has become popularized for many reasons. Vapes are trendy, do not have the stigma that traditional cigarettes do, and are sold in... Continue Reading

Date posted09/6/2022

Discovering Your "Why" as an Educator
Discovering Your "Why" as an Educator

By: Amy Mason, Principal, Madison County Elementary School, Gurley, Alabama The opening general session at the NAESP Pre-K–8 Principals Conference in Louisville was tailor-made for educators who live their “why” every day as leaders of learning communities. Simon Sinek, who... Continue Reading

Date posted08/16/2022