Oh, You Gotta Dress Nice!

Posted By: Andrew Marotta Leader 2 Leader Blog,

I stopped at a gas station on my way from the Portland Oregon airport to the Portland coast recently. It was a typical rest stop like we’ve all seen and done a million times before. Gas up the car, get a drink, and use the restroom in a town we’ve never been to before.

 As I walked in, I saw this guy wearing a great shirt and green beret. It was so funky! It was sleek, cool,  and totally matched his outfit and his vibe.

 I said to him “wow that’s a cool shirt” he said “thanks man.” I asked if he always dressed like that? I was a little surprised because we were in a gas station/convenience store, and he looked so sharp.

 He answered, “Oh yeah, you always gotta dress nice.” He went on to say he was in the carpet business for many years back in Hoboken, New Jersey and New York City. His boss told him when he was a young employee that if you want to make it business, you have to stand out in a positive way. One way to do that is to dress nice and always look sharp. He said he has lived by that ever since and continues to dress nicely regardless of where he is. Sharp, cool, funky, and different in a good way.

 I said, “Holy cow that’s awesome!” He went on to share that he’s from Hoboken, which is right near Staten Island where I grew up. We were both very far from those places, on the West Coast in Oregon.

 I agree with him. I think it’s important that we dress the part. I think it’s important that we show professionalism and our school pride. I’m not saying every day has to be a suit and tie, just nice fitting clothes looking, etc.

 I’m also not a big fan of spending a ton of money on those nice clothes. There are so many stores and different places where you can get those sharp clothes without having to break the bank.

 When I officiated college basketball, the veteran referees told me when you walk onto the arena floor that you need to look the part. Pants pressed, clean shoes, shirt tucked in, hair groomed, and more. Look the part and they will trust you.

 I have taken that advice just like the referee mentor told me: look the part, and it’s one step closer to building trust with people.

 Where you are in your life and your business, whether schools or not, look the part. People do notice. Keep surviving and thriving, friends.

