Awards Best Practices
If you are applying for an award through FASA (or beyond) please use the page below to strengthen your application.
Please know that FASA selection committee members take this process seriously and are committed to upholding the prestige and honor that each award holds.
Here is how you can make sure you have an award-winning application:
Adhere to the word count limits. In many cases, this is an opportunity to be creative while sharing what makes you the best.
Highlight the best of the best of your activities. We know each member leads in many areas, however, highlighting what you do best (with details and data) can give a better picture of your work.
Show how well rounded you are. If an application asks about community service and participation with other organizations include the names of the organizations and what your involvement includes.
Use letters of reference to your advantage. If an application requires multiple letters, ask each person to highlight different accomplishments and how you make a difference. This is also a great way expand where the application might limit you.
How you present yourself in your submission matters. Use complete sentences. Start in Word and use spell and grammar checks.
Assume the people scoring your submission are strangers and don’t know anything about you. You may have done something amazing that was very public. Include it on your submission as if no one knows anything about it.
Remember who the application is for. Make sure to highlight work that is meaningful to the organization.
Don’t be shy. This is your time to shine. If you don’t know what your best qualities are or what makes you stand out among the rest, ask a colleague. In fact, it’s not a bad idea to have a colleague or friend review your responses before you submit them.
Don’t wait until the last minute. I know there is nothing like a deadline, but things happen. Technology fails, the internet goes out, or a million other things. Plan to submit your application at least one day before the deadline so if you have trouble there is plenty of time to work it out.
Good luck on your application. If the FASA Staff can be of any assistance, please call (850) 224-3626 or